Monday, 17 April 2023

Lost by Sam Findlater



Lost: A wordless book for all ages, is the graphic short story where you are the author. Both a literacy device and creative writing springboard, Lost offers all readers and non-readers the benefits of reading and a creative journey, where they are the story maker.  There is a universal story that all readers will find and follow, but the more you return to the book the more you will see each page is laden with cues and prompts for different nuances and stories to evolve.

Beautifully illustrated and packing an emotional punch, this book is a must-have for schools seeking to utilise the power of wordless books in the classroom. Free lesson plans and classroom uses for Lost for KS2, KS3 and GCSE are available from the authors website

Beyond schools Lost can be enjoyed by all ages, the ‘puzzle solving’ of wordless books helps maintain cognitive health as well as offering a short satisfying read in our busy lives.

Sam Findlater’s Lost will delight story-lovers of all ages.

RRP £6.00

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