Monday, 23 December 2024


Sure, there are beginnings and ends and there is all the stuff that happens in the middle.

Begin with the Big Bang and end with a distant trumpet call; understand how to send a cheese sandwich into the future, have the origin of the universe explained, and find out how to achieve immortality; and finally add in a splash of espionage. Enjoy the mix.

Henri Lewi packs a universe into a small space in his thought-provoking From the Beginning to the End.


RRP Paperback £7.50

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Enjoyed reading this book of short stories; all entertaining, some more quirky than others, many are thought provoking and interesting. "Immortality - is it really forever" and "A crossword Clue", like many of the others, are full of interesting details, facts and curios.. a lot of fun to read. Nicely differing lengths, themes, timespans, and genres this unique collection of stories makes for a fun and diverse read.