Submissions Feisty Women

We are seeking submissions on books, fiction and non-fiction about feisty women. These probably have a feminist sub-text but are not fanatical. These will include women very similar to those in The Schellberg Cycle   

To submit your work 


  •  Please provide  500 word synopsis and the whole manuscript. (Tips on how to write a synopsis the way we like them can be found here.)  
  • Double-space your work. 
  • Use a regular font - Times new Roman,  Arial, Calibri, point 12. Indent paragraphs but do not  insert an extra line break. If possible use the Word tool for creating paragraphs.   
  • Put the title and your name as you would like it in the byline in the header and your legal name and full contact details including email and page numbers in the footer.
  • Tell us about your use of social  media, providing handles where appropriate and how you might be able to help market the book. (Up to 500 words)           
Submit through Duosuma


  • Please provide  a list of chapters with a short paragraph about the content of each chapter, and three sample chapters.
  • Double-space your work. 
  • Use a regular font - Times new Roman,  Arial, Calibri, point 12. Indent paragraphs but do not  insert an extra line break. If possible use the Word tool for creating paragraphs.   
  • Put the title and your name as you would like it in the by line in the header and your legal name and full contact details including email and page numbers in the footer.
  • Please provide the titles of three competing books, with links to where we can view them, and say why yours is different. 
  • Tell us about your use of social  media, providing handles where appropriate and how you might be able to help market the book. (Up to 500 words)            
  Submit through Duosuma

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