Allison Symes loves reading and writing quirky fiction. She discovered
flash fiction thanks to a Cafélit challenge and has been hooked on the
form ever since. In this follow-up to her "From Light to Dark and Back
Again", Allison will take you back in time, into some truly criminal
minds, into fantasy worlds, and show you how motherhood looks from the
viewpoint of a dragon. Enjoy the journey!
an entertaining read, all with a paranormal flavour, and written in her
chatty style and earthy language. ' Silly me. It's sod's law. I
should've thought of that, shouldn't I?' Even her witches are humorous,
one of them just finishing planting her runner beans (as witches do, of
course) when a farmhouse landed on top of her.'
lovely little collection of quirky and often surprising stories and
poems. Fairy godmothers who aren't what they first appear. Mini revenge
tales. Hints of the Gothic. Santa and tooth fairies as you've not met
them before. One favourite of mine is 'Bypassing the System', a story
that illustrates the fact that, magician or no magician, sometimes you
just have to do things the way everyone else does them. An enjoyable mix
with, as I say, lots of surprises, which is just how flash fiction
should be.
Fabulous collection of poems and flash fiction. Some made me giggle,
some made me gasp, all surprised me! I found it a real page turner, as
the stories had such unexpected twists and turns! Some were actually
quite moving. Highly recommend this! Makes a lovely present as well,
with its (to me) unusual shape.